Find My Utility

The link below will connect you with a new find my utility map tool of Utah to help you research the public utility providers available in your area. Please be aware that the tool is a work in progress, however we provide the following tips to help you learn how to use it:

  • In the upper left of the tool’s webpage is a “Home” button. The second button to the right of the Home button is the “Layers” button which opens a Layers toolbar on the right of the webpage which controls search customization.
  • Utah Water Service Areas are selected in the Layers toolbar by default which show up in green on the map of Utah. Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in or out on the area of the map over which your mouse cursor is hovering. Then left click on a green area of the map to reveal the name of the water service provider in that area.
  • To search for electric service providers, uncheck Utah Water Service Areas in the Layers toolbar and check ”Utah Electric Service Areas”. Click the right arrow in the Layers toolbar to the right of the Utah Electric Service Areas title in order to reveal a Legend of colors assigned to various electric service providers that are associated with the colors on the map. Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in or out on the area of the map over which your mouse cursor is hovering. Then left click on a colored area of the map to reveal the name and contact information for the electric service provider in that area.
  • Dominion Energy Utah is the only natural gas service provider in Utah. To view an approximate mapping of its coverage across the state as indicated in pink, check “Utah Natural Gas Service Areas Approx” in the Layers toolbar and uncheck other active search options.
  • To search for available telecommunications providers in Utah, check “Utah Rural Telecom Boundaries” in the Layers toolbar and uncheck other active search options. Click the right arrow in the Layers toolbar to the right of the Utah Rural Telecom Boundaries title to reveal a Legend of colors and provider names associated with the colors now appearing on the map.